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Reverse mortgage lending limit rises above $1M for first time in 2023 - The lending limit for federally-backed reverse mortgages is increasing for the seventh consecutive year in a row, to $1,089,300.

FHA Loan Center

New Changes in FHA Reverse Mortgage Loan Limits

In response to the growing housing situation in the United States the loan limit for FHA Loans has been increased.


FHA loan limit for Reverse Mortgages have been announced for 2023. The limits are increasing for the seventh consecutive year. “The increase in loan limit, commensurate with the increase in home prices, will allow qualified individuals and families to continue to access FHA-insured mortgages."


The FHA HECM “maximum claim amount” increases to 1,089,300. from $970,800. Potential HECM borrowers should know FHA HECM regulations “do not allow the HECM limit to vary by MSA or county; instead, the single HECM limit applies to all HECMs regardless of where the property is located.”


As Reverse Mortgage Loan specialists we can help you understand any new changes to the FHA reverse mortgage loan program. We're here to create a customized solution that works best for you and your family.

To learn more call us at 949-365-5737 .


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